Monday, December 12, 2011

Sleeping and Shakespeare.

So in my last blog I informed you all about how all I do is talk shit. If you haven’t read my last blog then you might wanna go back and read it…like right now. This one will be here when you get back…I promise. So I figure we should just keep going down that road.

I have officially decided that nothing fun, or exciting, or like a nice adventure, maybe a know just nice things…they shouldn’t start until like between 1 and 3. PM. We already know I’m lazy…but I don’t think I’ve told ya’ll how much I enjoy sleep. It’s very important to me and I’m very good at it. I consider it a gift; there is nothing better than a good sleep and even better when it includes a great dream. Like a super power save the world dream. So with that said, I just want my fun things to start in the afternoon. Sleep in, not be rushed, relax, get ready, then go and have a super blast doing whatever it is that has been planned for a fabulous day. My dad though, he thinks that all fun things should start at like 8. AM. I mean like we are at the Sea World doors before that bitch even opens. Really? I’m pretty sure Shamu will still be here at 1:30ish. PM. I know he is a great dad and always just wanted us to enjoy things and have good memories. I get that. He is still the same way though. I’m 24 years old and at the zoo before the gates open…like the animals are gonna go somewhere before noon or something. Just a wild guess, but I bet they will still be there.

I hate being late. Like I can be in a bad mood all day and I’d rather not go at all if it means I’m gonna be more than 5 minutes late. Seriously, I don’t like it at all. This just means that I have to wake up early to make sure I get to where I need to be early. It stresses me out a tiny bit. Just one more reason why I think that all fun things should not be on an early time schedule. My mom though, she is totally ok with being late. To EVERYTHING. My mom is never on time. Ever. Shit, it sounds like I’m really on my parents’ today haha. I love my mom very much but she thinks that fashionably late is a good thing. But I mean they are already finished singing hymns and are taking communion late. Not fashionable. All of the smart people who have arrived on time have already filled up the back pews. No one wants to sit in the front. You know it’s true. So here we are, my mom, my dad, Ty, Caleb, and me all walking to the front as everyone turns to stare at us like- how dare you walk in to the house of God this late!- Sooooo embarrassing. I may be lazy and I may procrastinate, but I am never late. If I’m in control of it.
So today we have learned that I don’t wanna start anything fun or well anything period in the AM. Well except for church, I wouldn’t wanna step on God’s toes or anything. Church can start whenever it wants to. Next, pretty please don’t ever make me late. I’ll be upset, and also because Shakespeare said so.

"Better three hours too soon than a minute too late."-William Shakespeare

I love good music and the artistic beauty that goes into a song. I appreciate all forms of art as well as all artists. Whatever is your art, I appreciate you for sharing it. I enjoy the fall, autumn rains and watching the leaves change colors. I’m a comic book and Sci-fi freak and I love learning new information about anything. So if you have something to say, I will listen. Even if it’s just what you think, I’d still like to hear it. My little brother is my best friend. I would die for him. Words are not enough when it comes to how much I care about and respect him. I like caramel apple suckers and cherry coke. My favorite color is purple. I like holding hands and the way it smells outside after a summer rain. I like to walk in the puddles and then warm my feet back up on the side walk. I could lay around all day watching movies or just listening to music. It doesn’t take much to make me happy. I love how you can spend a weekend with a complete stranger and at the end of that weekend you feel like you have known them your whole life. I’m in love with love on good and bad days. And I believe it’s the little things that matter the most. Just in case you were wondering about things that I actually do like lol.

Thanks for reading. It means something to me.

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